- 男 / 美国 / 演员
- / 双鱼座
- / 美国,爱荷华州,洪堡 / 1958年03月17日
- 详细介绍:Christian Clemenson (born March 17, 1958) is an American film and television actor. He is well known for his p…
- 别名:未知
- 外文名:未知
- 性别:男
- 国籍:美国
- 身高:未知
- 体重:未知
- 民族:未知
- 星座:双鱼座
- 血型:未知
- 出生日期:1958年03月17日
- 出生地区:美国,爱荷华州,洪堡
- 职业:演员
- 毕业院校:未知
- 经纪公司:未知
- 明星/评论:当前有0条评论,
- 人气:54684°
- 详细介绍:Christian Clemenson (born March 17, 1958) is an American film and television actor. He is well known for his portrayal of Jerry "Hands&…Christian Clemenson (born March 17, 1958) is an American film and television actor. He is well known for his portrayal of Jerry "Hands" Espenson in the television series Boston Legal, for which he won the 2006 Emmy Award for Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series. He appeared in a tense scene with Holly Hunter in the 1987 film, Broadcast News as a newsroom editor, "Bobby, Bobby, Bobby..."Many of Clemenson's early roles in television and film matched his personality as a bright, soft-spoken professional. He was a law student in the television version of The Paper Chase, Alex Keaton's English teacher in the television show Family Ties, the bailiff in the Ivan Reitman movie Legal Eagles, the flight surgeon in the movie Apollo 13, a cop in The Big Lebowski, a killer in The Fisher King and Dr. Dale Lawrence in the movie And the Band Played On. While he has been a familiar face for over a decade, until recently his name was not so well known.In 1999, Clemenson appeared in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode "Bad Girls" as a morbidly obese demon named Balthazar. He wore a large padded suit and extensive make-up for the role, and the character's repulsive, villainous nature contradicted many of his earlier roles.Recently, Clemenson has become known for his role as Jerry "Hands" Espenson on the television series Boston Legal. For playing Espenson, he won an Emmy Award for Best Guest Actor in a Drama Series in 2006 and was nominated for the same award in 2007. He remained with the series through to its finale in 2008.In film, he starred as real-life 9/11 victim Tom Burnett in United 93. On television, he was a regular on The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr. playing the part of Socrates Poole. He also had a recurring role on Veronica Mars. Clemenson also has appeared in a season 6 episode of NCIS, "Dead Reckoning". He also appeared in two season 2 episodes of The Mentalist. He also played Jimmy Masterson on the 3rd episode of Memphis Beat, "Love Me Tender."详情
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